

“The Drama Empress"

Hi! My name’s Helena and I've been playing and running RPGs for 24+ years. I love fictional drama, presenting players with moral conundrums, and playing in fictional worlds that are inclusive and diverse. I do my best to portray NPCs vividly, do voices (as much as I can), and I employ music and other audiovisual support to make the RPG experience as memorable as possible.



"I have greatly enjoyed playing in games run by Helena; she has a talent for bringing NPCs to life and is great at working with players to achieve narrative goals and emotional experiences over the course of one- or two-shot games."


"I have played in two of Helena’s games as my first time ever in that system, and she did a marvelous job of explaining rules and helping me keep up with the games; in addition (they were very different games—Root and Bluebeard’s Bride) she did a great job of capturing the mood of each, and helping us as players maintain it, for the benefit of all."


"Helena is an incredibly supportive GM! As a TTRPG veteran who had run Avatar Legends before, I never understood the system nearly as well until I put my character into the hands of Helena. She has an amazing way of explaining how the mechanics work THROUGH the character choices players make. Playing her games feels like the system is open to me and every move I make weaves my character more tightly into the story. Honestly, I think that even playing a one-shot with her has improved my own GMing!"


"Some GMs approach TTRPGs like book-writing; they’re the author, and you’re merely the character—you’re expected to play along, but mostly do what they want you to do. Not so with Helena! They roll with the punches and respect every decision you make. Helena may be surprised by your actions, but never caught off guard. They’re ready to receive and develop your mediocre idea into something really fun, interesting, and satisfying."

Helena uses the following tools in her games:

  • The X Card
  • Consent in Gaming Checklist

If you are not familiar with the safety tools, more information on lines and veils is available here, while more information about the x card is available here.