Eternity RPG: Call for Short Fiction
We're launching a game called Eternity that needs some short fiction. In short, we'd like to get a 1,500 to 2,500 word short story that will act as introductory fiction to the book.
At the same time, we think that the story potential in Eternity is almost endless. We are pretty sure that we will get way more great pitches than we have room for in the core book.
So in addition to the core Eternity rulebook in August, we are planning on releasing an illustrated book of short fiction toward the end of the year. That means that while we need to select one specific piece for the core book, we're open to selecting 5-10 more works for the short fiction book!
If you're interested in submitting a pitch for a story, we'd love to see it.
Drop us a line at infomagpiegames com, and we'll send you the instructions. The due date for pitches is June 19th.